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Pleasant to Touch
Acoustic Insulation
Termic Insulation
Water resistant
Cork roll flooring
Quick and easy to install
Fewer Joints
Lower thickness
Ideal for Renovation
Higher absorption of muscle tension and impact when walking
Resilient, Strong and Durable
Diversified Designs

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Rolls in vertical

Store rolls vertically on-site 48 hours prior to installation.

Temperature and Moisture

Keep the temperature and moisture similar to the conditions that will prevail when inhabited.

Leveled Floor

The subfloor must be well leveled.

Unroll the flooring rolls

After unrolling, wait a few minutes until cork returns to its flat shape.

Make the Markings

Make a marking with a pencil on the Subfloor next to the roll. It will help identify the junction for the second roll.

Apply adhesive

Lift half the roll length and apply adhesive. Let the adhesive dry for about ± 20min.

Place and glue-down the cork roll

Glue down the roll on the subfloor with adhesive.


Use your hands to remove all air bubbles that can appear during bonding.

Apply varnish

A finish coating should be applied 24 hours after floor installation.
playView our installation vídeo

About Us

Sedacor is a company of the JPS Cork Group, that since 1924 has constantly evolved with innovative and sustainable solutions in cork for a wide variety of sectors such as Wines, Construction, Decoration, Transports, Textiles, Footwear & Fashion Accessories.

Co-financed: Financiameno Divina Corkoleum


Address: Rua Nova do Lameiro, 184
4535 - 489 S. Paio de Oleiros

GPS: N 40º 59' 35" W 8º 35' 54"

e-mail: sedacor@jpscorkgroup.com
Tel. +351 227 470 590
Fax: +351 227 453 322


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